police misconduct

A dozen officers mistakenly stormed social worker Anjanette Young's home in 2019 and handcuffed her while she was naked.
Bodycam footage shows that 13-year-old Adam Toledo had his hands up when he was shot dead by a Chicago police officer – despite initial claims that he was holding a gun.
The legislation bans police chokeholds and no-knock warrants, requires data collection on police encounters and ends qualified immunity.
Kenny Walker's attorneys argue that Kentucky's stand-your-ground laws should have protected him from being charged after police killed his girlfriend.
The Justice in Policing Act would limit legal protections for police and create a national database of excessive-force incidents, among other changes.
If you observe misconduct or abuse by law enforcement, here's how to stay safe while doing your part in the fight against injustice.
Critics say victims of the controversial police tactic are often violated in multiple ways.
Gerald Goines and Steven Bryant face felony charges stemming from the 2019 drug raid at a Houston home.
"They're getting away with rape," the accuser's attorney said.
The deputies ran away during the 2018 shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 people dead, an investigation found.