political correctness

"For me, ‘politically correct’ means, you know, be a human being, be mindful of being kind," the “Veep” star told Vogue.
"Stop working sooooo hard on being politically correct," the president tweeted after the network didn't air Pirro's Saturday show.
PETA's suggestion that some phrases are anti-animal attracted a lot of catty comments.
The Emmy-award winning comedian says it's about money, not political correctness.
Kelli Ward’s campaign had suggested John McCain announced he was stopping his cancer treatment to distract from her primary race.
We know it’s hard to believe, but sometimes Donald Trump doesn’t lie. Here are a few of those very rare occurrences.
Bob Murray, who has heavily influenced the Trump administration's energy stances, said climate change is only an issue of "political correctness."
Sheriff Tracy Murphree warns that America "will die of political correctness."
It’s no longer okay be prejudiced in public. You’re forced to give other people consideration. Deal.