Prayer and Meditation

We are required to drink four cups of wine (or grape juice if you are not able to drink wine) at the seder -- each one corresponding to one of the ways that God liberated us from Egypt. But how much is a cup?
Fred Rogers practiced a spiritual vegetarianism grounded in gratitude to God, and in his own subtle and quiet way, he modeled this radical spirituality for his millions of viewers.
The Supreme Court ruling is another giant leap toward theocracy. We are descending to new lows, where non-Christians are openly scorned, made to stand up in public to be identified as outcasts.
This may be the defining quote in today's community service movement. But if Dr. King were alive today, what would he think of our culture of service? How would he respond to the great disconnect that often exists between faith and service?
What is healing, exactly? Like trying to describe God or love, it's hard to talk about, and better to have a personal experience of it. When you experience it, it feels deeply nurturing and peaceful. The first time I experienced healing, it felt like coming home.
It is a tale within a tale. It begins with a desperate father, a leader of the synagogue, pleading with Jesus to come heal his critically ill daughter. It is no laughing matter.