press conference

President Donald Trump defended his campaign’s libel lawsuit against the New York Times over an opinion article, saying, “There'll be more coming.”
Stephane Grisham hasn't held a press briefing in the six months she's served as White House press secretary.
"I think this was a big debacle for this White House press shop from start to finish," said CNN's Jim Acosta.
During a press conference, President Trump tells ABC News’ Cecilia Vega, “I know you’re not thinking. You never do.”
The man, who was identified by reporters there as Sam Husseini, held a sign reading "Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty."
We don't even know where to begin.
President Trump held a press conference to announce his new Secretary of Labor nominee, but spent much of it attacking the "dishonest" media.
President Donald Trump responded to a question about the rise of anti-Semitism by bragging about the electoral college votes he won in the 2016 election.