Quid pro quo

One witness explicitly acknowledged a quid pro quo and another spoke of figurative hand grenades and drug deals. It's been a big two weeks.
His fallback argument is that presidents have full authority to shape foreign policy, even to help their own campaigns.
Gordon Sondland said the White House withheld documents for his testimony, which Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff called "unprecedented obstruction."
You've heard of "Never Trumpers." Meet "Never Impeachers."
One White House aide said the “quid pro quo” was ordered by Trump himself, while another said the “transcript” of the July 25 call was missing a key detail.
Mark Sandy, a White House budget officer, defied Trump's instructions not to testify.
The "Daily Show" host said that if it's sex Fox News viewers want, it's sex they'll get.
Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano went after Republicans who argue President Donald Trump’s Ukrainian quid pro quo is not an impeachable offense.
It seems like it's getting more complicated, but it really isn't.
The president has claimed that he was one to release the funds, and that there was no quid pro quo for his call to investigate Joe Biden.