
A day before, he boasted about the strength of his wall.
No other president has attended the March for Life.
A successful demonstration for thousands of pro-gun protesters was sidelined by militia members playing dress-up, neo-Nazis and conspiracy theorists.
At a Pennsylvania rally, President Donald Trump mocked a security guard for not being rough on a protester who was being escorted out.
At a rally in Kentucky, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) went after the media and demanded they name the whistleblower.
At a rally in Minneapolis, President Donald Trump fought back against an impeachment inquiry and lobbed insults and everyone from Rep. ilhan Omar and Former Vice President Joe Biden.
Late night hosts went after Trump for trying to appeal to Hispanic voters during his rally in New Mexico.
Late night hosts roasted President Donald Trump for trying to appeal to Hispanic voters at a rally in New Mexico.
The group brawls with antifa under the guise of free speech. But video exposes its true intentions: violence and wasting public resources.
One Twitter user speculated Trump’s voicemail stated, “Since you were kicked out and didn’t hear me finish talking about how great I am, let me give you a recap.”