
"It's the exact same concept as your local, neighborhood bar except without alcohol."
The connection between sleep and high performance
"I did it for two-and-a-half years, and I was a walking corpse."
And what you should say instead.
I am beyond thankful that infertility education is continuing to be in the spotlight. However, I believe, some of the messages being delivered by some are contributing to the loss of ourselves to this painful, difficult, long and oftentimes heartbreaking journey of infertility.
Comedian Rob Delaney joins HuffPost Live to discuss the horrific car accident that changed his life.
You've made a terrible mistake. You got caught up in a flirtation that led to an affair. It felt so good at the time and it all happened so quickly.
Ultimately, the Fifty Shades phenomenon is opening up a very healthy dialogue about female sexuality, not just in the therapeutic community and among BFFs on their coffee breaks, but between women who've read the books and their intimate partners.
For the alcoholic or addict who's just put down their drink or drug of choice, it seems like life is about to end. What they will eventually realize, if they stay sober, is that life is just beginning.