
Tommy Callaway told "Inside Edition" that smacking the backside of reporter Alex Bozarjian was "a misjudge in character and decision-making."
A judge has ruled that the White House must restore CNN’s Jim Acosta’s press pass after it was revoked.
The GOP lawmaker appears to revert to his old claim that he didn't start the fight — which he admitted in a guilty plea.
The internet may have been shocked by the nickname, but the Kurdish reporter said he loved it.
“That should be a grave concern to anyone who cares about an informed citizenry,” a Times spokeswoman said.
Trump called AP Reporter Jonathan Lemire a “sleazebag” for asking if he’s touched or groped women without consent, per pool report.
Arrests, citations and reports of assault at rallies continue to stack up.
The accused include editors from the state-owned Al-Ahram news website and Abdel-Haleem Kandeel, a well-known journalist.
Both prosecutors and Kato have one week to appeal following the ruling by the Seoul Central District Court