Richard Neal

The Trump administration is defying a federal law that is supposed to give Congress access to private tax information.
Democrats probably need a court to force the administration to obey the law.
It will be up to courts to force the administration to comply with the law and allow the president's tax returns to be released to Congress.
Trump's plan is apparently to disobey the law and hope a friendly judge bails him out.
The White House continues to push back on Democrats' request for six years' worth of the president's tax returns.
House Democrats formally demanded Trump's tax returns earlier this month. He didn't meet their deadline.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said he needs to consult with the Justice Department before he'll comply with a legal request for President Donald Trump's tax information.
A bill supported by Democrats and Republicans would make permanent a program that bars the IRS from ever developing its own online tax filing service.
The senator has also asked for the information, but said he doubts Democrats' recent legal move to get it will work.
The acting White House chief of staff accused Democratic lawmakers of orchestrating a "political hit job."