robert e. lee

Writer Jamil Smith has an excellent retort for “folks worried about erasing history.”
"SNL" alums return to "Weekend Update" to set the record straight.
Why would a city in a state that sat out the Civil War erect a monument to Confederate generals in 1948?
"There is literally no difference between" George Washington and Lee, email claims, which also attacks the Black Lives Matter movement.
In the wake of Charlottesville, other cities are contemplating removing their own Confederate memorials.
The family of Heather Heyer mourn the world’s loss and call for action after her death in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The family of Heather Heyer mourn the world’s loss and call for action after her death in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"People are dying because we have been complicit in our silence or in our action," says Robert Wright Lee IV, who says he's the general's great-great-great-great-nephew.
Inside the borough's latest move to honor two key figures who fought to uphold the institution of slavery.