Roy Cooper

Before the law was passed, North Carolina was the only state in the U.S. where it wasn't considered a crime to rape a person who willingly drank alcohol.
Dozens of Democratic state House representatives weren’t present for the vote, which overrode the action of Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper.
Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper called the legislation "unconstitutional."
Democratic lawmakers fought through dirty tactics from their GOP colleagues to sustain Gov. Roy Cooper's (D) veto of an extreme anti-abortion bill.
State Democrats say their GOP colleagues are using dirty tactics to try to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the bill.
“It is not at all lost on me, this historic factor, especially given that this is Black History Month," Cheri Beasley said.
The state's farming economy is in peril as Hurricane Florence relief remains tied up, Gov. Roy Cooper told the president.
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper strongly urged residents to stay off the roads Sunday.
Some of the steps Republicans are expected to take will almost surely be challenged in court.
The governor ordered $4 million for mosquito control as residents battle giant-sized insects that can reportedly bite through two layers of cotton.