samuel alito

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and Rep. Hank Johnson ordered the chief justice to name someone who can testify on the court’s ethics scandals.
This comes after a New York Times report that Justice Samuel Alito leaked his 2014 Hobby Lobby decision to wealthy evangelicals.
News of the alleged leak eight years ago comes as the high court still claims to be investigating who leaked its anti-abortion decision earlier this year.
The conservative justice said those who seemed to be in the court's anti-abortion majority became "targets for assassination."
Alito joked that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson "paid the price" for speaking out against the majority opinion that demolished U.S. abortion rights.
Thomas called the leak "tremendously bad" for the court and "kind of an infidelity."
The justice who authored the leaked document striking down abortion rights reportedly said it was “a subject I told myself I wasn’t going to talk about today."
Through their voting rights and gerrymandering rulings, the Supreme Court's conservatives have limited who “the people” even are.
The "Last Week Tonight" host trashed the Supreme Court draft opinion on the abortion rights case.
The crew went back to the Middle Ages, where Alito drew his inspiration for his draft opinion gutting Roe v. Wade.