San Juan, Puerto Rico

Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz describes Trump as the "miscommunicator-in-chief.”
Time and time again Puerto Rico’s openness, kindness and sense of community leave me speechless. The response to Hurricane Maria is no exception.
The figure hit 55%, more than a week after Hurricane Maria made landfall, the Defense Department reported.
The president attacked her "nasty" criticism of the government's management, and said the people of Puerto Rico want "everything to be done for them."
Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz blasts FEMA for focusing on paperwork rather than saving lives.
"We’re doing the best that we can, but we need help. It’s too much.”
The ship will bring supplies to hurricane-ravaged islands and carry back evacuees.
Word of mouth is the only way some know if family and friends are all right.
Puerto Rico is expecting a storm unlike anything else in "modern history," its governor said.