
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” has finally been overtaken at the box office after a month in the top spot.
It’s a foolish knockoff that tries desperately to become a clone of the OG film — except there's nothing smart about it.
"Maybe some of their anger comes from not being allowed to be who they want to be," said the actor, who plays Sidney Prescott in the horror franchise.
David Arquette and Courteney Cox are also returning for the fifth installment of the classic horror franchise, due out in January.
Getting jabbed was no fantasy for the five-time Grammy winner.
The president makes a disturbing telephone call in the slasher movie parody.
The daughter of Michael Jackson promotes her role in the "Scream: Resurrection" miniseries with a nod to the petrifying past.
"I took off my bra and a skittle fell out, but I don’t remember the last time I ate skittles?"
The former White House communications director might have missed his calling.