
"Some of my classmates were in charge of keeping the 'slaves' in line. I remember being brought to tears but not being exactly sure why I was crying."
Louisiana voters rejected Amendment 7 that asked whether they supported a constitutional amendment to prohibit the use of involuntary servitude in the criminal justice system.
Reproductive rights, minimum wage increases and slavery are the subjects of proposals and initiatives across the country.
Voters in five states are deciding whether to close loopholes that allowed convict labor as an exception to slavery.
Ta-Nehisi Coates testifies before Congress in support of reparations for slavery. The day before, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected the idea, saying, “I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago, for whom none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea.”
Last week, a Northern California varsity football team held a slave auction in which Black players acted as slaves while white players bid on them. You read that right.
George Dawson's memoir details how he witnessed his best friend getting lynched after he was accused of raping a white woman, a crime Dawson said the friend didn’t commit.
Addressing all the damage is going to take more than money — it’s going to take new laws and a deeper understanding of how our climate crisis came to fruition.
The Mississippi property was listed as a “luxury getaway” on the vacation rental site.
The museum's teachings about Thomas Jefferson's slaves were apparently a tad too real for them.