
...and if that's not enough, a YouTuber also blows up a snowman.
Severe weather is expected to sweep from the Rockies to the Mississippi River Valley in the next few days.
Meet Malakai, the dog who managed to make himself very clear.
Residents face burst pipes, boil water advisories and food shortages as below-freezing temperatures and power outages continue across the state.
Wind-chill warnings extended from Canada into Mexico.
The deaths across six states raise this season's death toll to 21. Recent weather patterns are being blamed for creating unstable snowpack.
The last snowstorm dumped more than 2 feet of snow on the region. The highest snowfall on Sunday was recorded west of Philadelphia.
The motorist was suffering from hypothermia and frostbite and had gotten to the point where he had stopped shivering, his rescuer said.
School districts around the country expect kids to sign on as the snow comes down. But parents have THOUGHTS.
Jefferson County Schools announced the district's first snow day of the year in the most adorable way.