
"I now have endless energy, way less anxiety (no more benzos!) and I am *happier* and more present than ever," the cookbook author said.
After writing nearly 200 drafts of the pilot, she delivers an earnest, heartfelt and achingly funny series.
How to celebrate Dry January while being mindful of sober people in recovery, like me.
"I was discharged after an eight-day admission for detox, and my first priority was getting through my upcoming holiday without any alcohol."
"I slowly but radically changed my mind about alcohol’s place in my life."
From open bars to Champagne toasts, weddings tend to be overflowing with alcohol. Here's how to make sure your sober friends don't feel uncomfortable.
Hosting a gathering this season? Here's how to make it more comfortable for those who don't drink or who are in recovery.
"I didn’t respect my own power," the singer and fashion mogul wrote of the image, taken in 2017.
The Los Angeles-based performer unveiled "Freedom" to commemorate National Recovery Month.
The "Cravings" cookbook author announced in December that she was quitting drinking.