
Also referred to as "summer learning loss," here are ideas for making summer education more effective and accessible to students.
A teacher accused staffers at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts of racially profiling her students during a field trip.
An officer was arrested on suspicion of discussing sexual activity with a minor after a man used a Snapchat "gender switch" filter to pretend he was a teen girl.
An estimated 17% of U.S. students do not have access to computers at home and 18% do not have home access to broadband internet.
“I wanted to see how far I could get,” Mark Lindblom, 19, told a federal judge.
Keanon Lowe, a football and track coach and a security guard at Parkrose High School, tackled an armed student before anyone was injured.
A trial date was set for the former Kentucky middle school teacher, who also allegedly flipped the bird at another student.
UNC-Charlotte also identified the victims of Tuesday night's shooting on campus as six students, two of whom were killed in the attack.
A Texas junior high school assistant principal has been placed on leave after making a student cover his shaved hairstyle with a black marker.
The housing crisis is alive and well, even at an elite institution like the University of Southern California.