Teen Impact

However, due to safety restrictions, the number of volunteers has been drastically cut to what NORAD expects will be fewer than 10 people per shift.
The mother killer whale, also known as J35, gave birth to a calf researchers have determined is male.
The "Believe" singer tweeted about calling up two Malibu post offices to find out if she could help. Unfortunately, the Postal Service doesn't take volunteers.
Little Grey and Little White were captured from the wild and kept first at a research center, then an aquarium. Now, they're back in the ocean.
Cris Lane called the collision "a new twist in whale-watching."
The whales are newly listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Two high school students have banded together with other teenagers in their community to help seniors during the coronavirus pandemic.
The 7,300 volunteers face lost stipends, housing and health benefits amid a pandemic and economic crisis.
A whale filmed playing with a rugby ball is Hvaldimir, the beluga in Norway some speculate escaped from the Russian military.
11 orcas and dozens of belugas have been released from a miserable holding facility, though some experts say the way they were freed may put them at risk.