town hall

The Trump-loving Fox News host said the moderator's questioning of the president was "pure political bias" and "not journalism."
Trump, on NBC, refused to denounce QAnon and waffled on face masks as Biden, on ABC at the same time, declared the "words of a president matter."
"You’re the president; you’re not like someone’s crazy uncle who can retweet whatever,” the host said at Trump's NBC News town hall.
The president also praised supporters of the outlandish conspiracy theory for being "very strongly against pedophilia."
The president said he tested positive for the coronavirus two days after the Ohio event.
The event will take place in Miami at the same time Democratic nominee Joe Biden holds a separate town hall.
During an ABC News Town Hall, President Donald Trump was pressed on issues ranging from the coronavirus pandemic to a national mask mandate.
The congresswoman told HuffPost that Democrats may need to compromise on the Vermont senator’s health care proposal to get it passed.
The Republican senator hasn't held a public town hall event in Colorado for almost two years, so activists sent his two-dimensional replica around the state instead.
The senator and presidential contender spoke at a Fox News town hall event about sexism in the 2020 election.