trade war

USDA’s bailout program for farmers sends abundant meat, vegetables and fruits to feed low-income Americans.
The alert comes as trade war tensions have risen between the two nations.
"If you are in the market for a car, you’re going to have to delay your purchase or you’re going to have to go to used."
Such a move could set up a rare clash between the president and his party.
You could pay more for guacamole and margaritas if President Donald Trump follows through on his threat to raise tariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico can’t stop the flow of immigrants coming into the United States.
Pain caused by the trade war Trump started with China already is landing hardest on his voters.
The People's Daily used the ominous phrase on Wednesday — an expression historically used by the paper before wars and major conflicts.
Trump joked about Japan's "substantial edge" in trade, telling a group of businessmen, "Maybe that's why you like me so much."
“If the perpetrator wants to fight, we will beat him out of his wits," the lyrics warn.
JBS, the largest meatpacking company in the world, is owned by two billionaire brothers under investigation by the Justice Department.