
We now have emoji shorthand for the best NBA players.
"I just don't think I want a girlfriend right now." This bomb fell at the tail end of a romantic candlelit dinner with my boyfriend of one year, just when I thought we were back on the upswing. It wasn't a let's-try-again reunion dinner; it was our last supper.
So, for all you tweens and teens and people who live under rocks in general, just in case Kanye decides to do any more collaborating with old white dudes in the future, I've put together a little cheat sheet for you.
Memphis residents looking to check a graphic weather radar Tuesday morning instead found something a bit more graphic than they initially believed.
For at least one second, 17,000 people are forced to think about and remember my father. Whether they knew him or not, they know me. They either learn for the first time that my father is no longer with us, or they reflect on their own memory of his passing. No matter what their thought process is, they are remembering my father too.
The billionaire’s week didn’t get off to a strong start. The reality star is considering a lawsuit against one Twitter user after he retweeted them.