United States Department of Defense

Stars and Stripes, which first started publishing during the Civil War, was initially scheduled to shutter its newsroom by the end of September.
A Pentagon consultant made the revelation to The New York Times.
Glenn Fine had been tasked with monitoring the federal government’s coronavirus relief spending before being removed last month.
Navy officials confirmed the videos' existence last fall while insisting at the time that the footage should never have been made public.
“We asked whether the Army has coronavirus testing kits physically at all bases abroad. They are still unable to tell us [a] yes or no answer."
They're conducting lessons online, but still being asked to do it from school.
The president declared in a memo that gutting the unions would bring "maximum flexibility."
The Department of Health and Human Services requested housing for people who may need to be quarantined upon arriving in the U.S. from overseas.
Some officials were skeptical of reports of "imminent attacks" by Iran against U.S. targets, according to The New York Times.