United States Intelligence Community

The OLC opinion “creates a chilling effect on effective oversight and is wrong as a matter of law and policy,” the letter says.
The letter, signed by 90 former officials, stressed the importance of protecting the whistleblower's identity, The Wall Street Journal reported.
“It’s no longer a democracy if an autocrat has it in his hands," the former CIA director warned.
The president falsely claimed rules for whistleblowers had recently been changed, suggesting they used to require reports of only firsthand information.
A whistleblower alleged that White House officials moved records to protect politically sensitive information.
Joseph Maguire is the acting director of national intelligence, and his political skills are being put to the test.
The complaint is of "urgent concern," according to the intelligence community's inspector general. The Trump administration has kept it under wraps.
Snowden should've gone through "official channels," his critics yelped. Here's what happens when you do.
The Senate minority leader said Republicans have "remained silent and submissive" in the face of troubling reports on Trump's discussion with Ukraine.
"Highly sensitive classified information ... if publicly released would put our national security at risk,” Coats said in a statement.