United States Postal Service

The subpoena seeks documents related to controversial mail delays that threaten the timely delivery of absentee ballots in November.
The Republican takeover of the independent agency is giving the private shipping industry a seat at the table.
The lawsuit condemns U.S. Postal Service changes that have led to mail delays, claiming the agency is “set to undermine a federal election.”
Nor can he name to the "nearest 10 million" how many votes were mailed in for the last general election under grilling by Democratic Rep. Katie Porter.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy admits to Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) that he does not know the price to mail a postcard.
"Is your backup plan to be pardoned like Roger Stone?” Rep. Jim Cooper asked the postmaster general.
Robert Duncan chaired the RNC during the party's unprecedented escalation of voter disenfranchisement efforts in swing states.
At least 800 demonstrations were scheduled to take place Saturday as part of a national protest movement aimed at supporting the U.S. Postal Service.
“Many Blacks didn’t go out to vote for Hillary ’cause they liked me," Trump claimed.
Sen. Tom Carper's response to technical difficulties was very relatable.