Vatican City

The new arrivals, who were living in a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, now have a chance to start over in Italy.
Pope Francis accepted Richard Malone's resignation following widespread criticism from his staff, priests and the public.
Pope Francis made his priorities crystal clear by unveiling a sculpture honoring refugees and migrants at St. Peter's Square.
Despite restrictions imposed by the Vatican, Theodore McCarrick was allowed to rise in the ranks and play prominent diplomatic roles under Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
The law from the Vatican provides whistleblower protections for anyone making a report.
The donation will go toward helping those fleeing Central American who have found the U.S. border "closed to them," the Vatican said.
This is the first time the Vatican has passed a law requiring its officials to report sex abuse allegations to police -- or face possible jail time.
Pope Francis, the first Latin American pope, called the summit after he himself botched a well-known sex abuse cover-up case in Chile last year.
On the eve of Pope Francis’ high-stakes abuse prevention summit, survivors of clergy abuse gather to state their demands.
Author Frederic Martel is claiming Catholic priests publicly denounce homosexuality while privately leading double lives.