violence against women

Silvia Federici, author of "Caliban and the Witch," speaks to HuffPost Brazil about a new kind of witch hunt and how it aims to control outspoken women.
A HuffPost investigation found that the military routinely ignores domestic violence by service members, with devastating consequences.
The nation is split over whether the term “femicide” — the killing of women because they’re women — should be added to the penal code.
Plus: Why are women still doing Bikram yoga?
Martina Pastorino traveled over 400 miles on foot to deliver the message that "to be a woman is to be strong."
Time and again, mass shooters have had a history of misogyny, toxic masculinity and violence against women.
Lynn Rosenthal, first-ever adviser on violence against women, reflects on her long career fighting for women’s rights.
The Bangladeshi 18-year-old told police her school principal had repeatedly touched her inappropriately.