washington national cathedral

The former president paid tribute to the late senator while delivering what appeared to be a jab at Donald Trump.
John McCain's daughter delivered a heartfelt and emotional tribute to the senator at the National Cathedral.
These 15 individuals will carry the Vietnam War veteran’s coffin at Washington National Cathedral.
Among the ceremonies: a service at the Washington National Cathedral featuring eulogies from former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush.
After two years of deliberation, the Episcopal hub has decided to take down representations of Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
Mikah Meyer wants to break barriers and open minds in his three-year trek.
This is what to watch for over the next few days as Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States.
The group held an interfaith pilgrimage promoting unity and condemning extremism.
Bishop Michael Curry is the first African-American to lead the denomination.
Jonathan Daniels stepped in front of the gun that would have killed Ruby Sales.