
Even though President Donald Trump claimed his daughter Ivanka created “millions of jobs,” he isn’t entirely correct.
Another government shutdown may be looming if Congress and the president don’t come to an agreement.
Legal setbacks have forced public-sector unions to go back to basics. The effort is already paying off for a teachers union in Illinois.
U.S. workers aren't guaranteed vacation time, and those who get it aren't taking full advantage.
Maria Fuentes, who has a temporary protected status visa, serves and cleans up after the men and women who want to see her thrown out of the country.
The revolution is coming to rural New Brunswick.
It’s been around for more than one hundred years, but the Labor Day holiday had bloody beginnings.
Puzder’s defeat isn’t just a win for fast-food workers, but for all working Americans.
"The flow of capital cannot decide the flow of people."