
In an effort to downplay the emerging outbreak and boost his new trade deal, Trump said China was doing everything right.
Seth Barron told the Fox News host that Ocasio-Cortez's district is "one of the least American districts in the country."
Emails sent to Breitbart editors promoted white nationalism and xenophobia, and bemoaned opposition to Confederate symbols.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s xenophobia is showing yet again. He went on another racist tirade against immigrants and migrants on his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
White lawmakers, however, acknowledged that people generally assumed they were American.
But he avoided calling the president's attack on four Democratic congresswomen racism.
“If you hate our country, if you’re not happy here, you can leave,” he told reporters.
Fox Pundit Tucker Carlson has once again been accused of racism after claiming that a Muslim congresswoman is proof of the “danger” of immigration.
Labor Party leader Michael Daley’s comments came to light just days before state elections.
The president condemned the mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch — then used language similar to the suspected shooter's to describe immigrants.