
Seenlada Supat performs weekly concerts at a Thailand zoo to keep the animals company while visitation is low because of COVID-19 outbreaks.
“The only thing I can think is maybe he was pumping iron all during COVID or something and planned his escape. I don’t know," the perplexed zoo owner said.
Hangzhou Safari Park denied the escape even after surveillance video caught one of the large cats roaming a nearby residential area.
The Alaskan malamute adopted the baby bear, who was found in a weak condition earlier this year.
"The way we treat wildlife matters. In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, we're seeing the dire consequences of this right now."
Scientists have some issues with Netflix's hit documentary on zookeeper Joe Exotic.
Zookeepers who work with penguins, apes and sloths share how their clothing choices can affect their safety — and that of the animals.
When zookeepers threw a party for the ape, they really went bananas.
Officials at the Leipzig Zoo said the animal, "Kigali," has been resocialized with the father of the two male cubs.