40 Reasons Why You're Stuck and How to Get Unstuck

Alone or together, these items create havoc in our ability to let go, move on or do what we want!
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Photo By Tormod Ulsberg

Okay, almost 40 reasons...

Alone or together, these items create havoc in our ability to let go, move on or do what we want!

Read on....

1. You were raised with the rules, structures and models of others... you have no clue as to how to live by your own rules. How do you stop? Break those rules.

2. You're afraid. Deal with it, as Suzanne Jeffers said, "Feel the fear and do it anyways."

3. You enjoy growing old, bitter and miserable, because you keep saying NO, when deep inside, you mean YES or vice versa. Start saying what YOU actually feel.

4. You text when you should call. Call! Better yet, have a face to face conversation.

5. The absolute wrong things are important to you. You're more worried about what someone else will say or do and you hold back -- BECAUSE IT'S MORE IMPORTANT than what you want, or feel. It's time to re-evaluate this one precious life you currently embody.

6. You're a failure. Congrats! You're part of the human race, get over it and keep on truckin'. Failure is subjective -- learn -- grow -- keep moving.

7. You're a loser. So what? And yesterday's winner will be tomorrow's loser and so on, read a history book, this isn't permanent, so don't treat it like it is!

8. You need validation from an asshole. Someone important in your early life didn't give you the love you needed, and you're still looking for a sign that you're okay... from someone who doesn't want to give it to you. Learn to validate yourself.

9. You're afraid to be alone. Well, isn't it fairly lonely being in a relationship with someone who doesn't get you, like you or want to share a bed with you? Start now. Today. Begin liking your own company, get clear on why you think there's no one else and deal with your worth... grow your confidence.

10. You think you have to be the hare. People carry the delusion that change needs to be abrupt, like a sword cutting everything down at once, so they're afraid to make a move. Be the turtle (he's still moving).

11.Treating life like a destination. It's not. Ever. Til we're not alive anymore. Everything changes around us, why do we as humans think we're any different? We're not. Remind yourself it's a journey and just because this sounded good yesterday, and it feels like crap today... doesn't mean you should stay where you don't want to be.

12. You've stunted your own growth. Funny thing with the fear of outgrowing those around us, it can keep us stunted for our entire lives. What is the quality of those relationships? Are you fulfilled? Happy? Do you feel trapped? It's time to allow yourself to be honest, with yourself and others, about what you want and where you'd like to head (you can be the turtle).

13. You can't let go. It was so good at one time -- at least the first 24 hours and you want to recapture it. Buy a dog or a cat, release one little finger at a time by going through the pain of attachment, it's not about them... it's about you... and you have the cure; it's time to feel your real feelings.

14. You're a martyr. Self-sacrifice is a debt that will never be fully repaid. No one else but you cares and those who you want to be impressed with your pinning yourself to a cross aren't, they actually despise you for it... or even worse have indifference toward you. STOP. Re-evaluate the goal. Are you getting what you want by being self-less? Become selfish (ie. not self-absorbed -- which martyrs are -- except for those who actually did it for the greater good)

15. You're a victim. You need to blame everything outside of you for being stuck. Take responsibility for yourself and your choices.

16. You make bad choices on purpose. See #15. You don't believe you deserve better, so you make choices, which keep you stuck. It's an excuse. Become aware of every decision you make, does it induce pain or pleasure?

17. You love to complain. It's a cycle. You grew up with it... it's everywhere, you're just doing what everyone else does. This is non-action, no sympathy here. Decide to change your position in the situation you complain about, understand WHY you've preferred being stuck. It's a very old answer.

18. Being a doormat works for you. This is a benefit, otherwise no one would do it. Get to know the benefit and find why that benefit works for you (are you afraid of loss?)... then replace it with actual self-fulfillment, by pleasing yourself.

19. You watch reality TV. Think I am kidding? What do we avoid by watching someone else's drama? Demeaning others makes us feel good? Turn off the TV (at least the yelling, fighting and over the top drama) and join your life -- by being PRESENT.

20. You don't trust yourself. When you don't trust you -- you don't trust others. Not trusting means #16. Not trusting means you believe you can't handle disappointment. Develop emotional resilience; it'll make you trust the only person you should: YOURSELF.

21. Perfect picture syndrome. The belief that has never, ever, ever been the REAL picture of your relationship, job or life is somehow going to be destroyed if you get unstuck from the hellfire you live in daily. Waiting for that picture to come thru is waiting for the 12th of never. Start seeing reality as it is, not as you want it to be and accept it... as it is.

22. Your patterns rule you. Self-awareness is nil. You've no idea why your stuck in the same dance. Wake up. Really wake up! Pay attention to what triggers you to keep repeating history, daily.

23. You are dishonest. You lie to yourself and to the people who you could set free with the truth, or dramatically change things with, because you're afraid of what will happen, so nothing changes. Get honest -- dig deep, get to know what is your truth and then state it... out loud.

24. You're a control freak. You'd rather keep misery as company, because you know it and so you show up the same way all the time, so the balance of power doesn't tip. Until it does. LET GO. You're stuck in a merry-go-round that goes nowhere. You're control is an illusion and it scares the shit out of you to think of showing up how YOU really want to, because you can't control what would happen.

25. Scarcity. There's not enough. Bullshit. Get clear on why you think there's so little and shift to a more abundant thinking, slowly (like the turtle), placing focus there rather than on a void.

26. You've been hurt, disappointed, screwed over and so on. People can be immobilized for years, out of fear of supposed bad things happening again. Life is an experience, why would you block an experience and keep living in the SAME daily soap opera in your mind of what possibly could happen?

27. Risk is a four letter word. So is FUCK, both are action words, when you add an "ing"... you have verbs. If your inner critic, judge and jury are keeping you inert, because of whatever happened in the past, you're a prisoner of your own thoughts. Time to have a Q&A with all those people in your head, once you get some clear answers... it's four-letter-word time!!!

28. You have no meaningful standards for your life. What do you want your life to FEEL like? What are you doing to achieve it? How do others treat you? If you have "I don't know" as your answer to those questions... it's time for you to make some boundaries. The only way to have a boundary is to live your boundaries -- be them -- don't compromise, because when you're treated poorly, you're not living in a meaningful way.

29. Shame. Shame. Shame. It's probably the most toxic of all feelings to our growth, love, happiness and pleasure in our lives. We shut up, shut down, run away and hide when we feel shame. It's someone (real or not) telling us we're worthless, stupid, bad, etc... and we believe it on some level. Stand up to shame, show it who you are (even the part of you that was made to feel shame) and accept that you're imperfect, but still damn cuddly and lovable...and your opinion matters most... to yourself!

30. You absolutely refuse to accept yourself. You're trying to live up to some expectation (real or imagined) that keeps you stuck right where you are. Be disappointing, throw everything up in the air and rearrange it where you want when it lands. Accept all the cute little dark things in your closet, we all got em' and relax a bit on who you think you should be... and be who you are.

31. Your dreams don't come true. Yes they do, just believe in them and do things that align with those dreams. (instead of the opposite)

32. There's no love. When you're stuck, where's the love? There might be a life jacket or something to hold onto, but REAL LOVE has to be watered regularly and it grows. Stuck doesn't equal growth. Start deserving love today -- do loving things for yourself NOW.

33. You're waiting to be saved (rescued). Admit it, if it's true and then save yourself.

34. You're numb, distracted or convinced that you can cobble the pieces of your life together. Get un-numb, realize it is un-fun... and ask yourself the tougher questions...if today was your last day on earth is this how you'd want to live?

35. Emotional intimacy = vulnerability; no thank you! Being in a stalemate keeps others at a distance, you find excuses to not get closer or make any movement, because you could be destroyed in the process. Protection is also an illusion, so try stripping naked and being real, you'll feel better, no matter what happens.

36. Committing to real happiness, love or a healthy relationship feels overwhelming. There you stay -- stuck -- moving forth -- moving backwards, rinse, repeat. Like a yoyo, you never make progress, because every time you do -- you run like your foot is on fire, no matter how great the opportunity! Relax. Really relax. Breathe... allow yourself to be in the moment, understand the urge to bolt is about yesterday, not today.

37. Refusing help. First you gotta wanna help yourself to get unstuck and second, you want to enlist someone who can help you see what you might be missing. Admit you want a life, then get a flashlight (preferably one being held where you can see what isn't clear) and start to re-arrange/organize that closet.

38. You're stuck in the past. See number 13. If you think your glory days are behind you -- then you're immobilized to create glorious days in the present. Get grounded here and start loving what is... then you will create more of it... and voila! Your glory days are now!

If you need some help getting unstuck, please feel free to give me a ring! I'd be happy to help you create the present and future you've always wanted.

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