Mr. President: Bring Home the Southern Guardsmen Tonight

They joined the Guard with this very sort of catastrophe in mind, not to dodge IEDs in some far-off desert.
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Dear Mr. President: I'm a lifelong Democrat and you're a Republican on the ropes, but for the good of the country I will give you a little advice. If you do not want to see your already shrinking Presidency disintegrate into political nothingness, you will get every National Guardsman from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama on the first thing smoking out of Baghdad. They joined the Guard with this very sort of catastrophe in mind, not to dodge IEDs in some far-off desert. The righteous white Southerner is all that is left of your base and if you do not bring their boys home on the double I promise you they will join our side, oppose this reckless war, and oppose you.

Dear Everybody Else,

Please give what you can to help. For any of us who's ever stuffed themselves on gumbo at Chez Helene or Commander's Palace, or marched in the second line with the Wild Tchapatoulas, we owe New Orleans more than money can buy.

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