Questions We Hope They Ask In Tonight's Presidential Debate

Questions We Hope They Ask In Tonight's Presidential Debate
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It's going to be another watered down, sterile, hit the snooze button Presidential debate tonight. Or will it? We went down to our usual Jamaican witchdoctor in Queens, poked a couple holes in our Bob Schieffer doll, in hopes of getting these fantasy debate questions added to tonight's list:

On National Security: Senator McCain....Sarah Palin, really?

On the Environment: Do you believe in unicorns? Do ya? We used to hunt them down in Texas.

The 9/11 Question: So who in the government was more responsible for orchestrating 9/11, Dick Cheney or Jenna Bush?

Job Creation: Senator McCain, how many people does it take to show you how to use your email? And on a related matter, to clean your houses?

International Relations: Have you ever eaten Ukrainian food? There's this great place on 2nd Avenue, what are you guys doing after this?

On Defense: Senator Obama, can I arm wrestle Michelle?

Agriculture: Senator Obama, what, in your opinion, goes best with arugula?

National Security: Sarah Palin vs. A Polar bear. Who would win?

On Health Care: Senator McCain, who brushes your hair?

Government Waste: Senator McCain, why do you think we should reward the Republican party after eight years of man-made Armageddon by electing you?

The Olympics: Who would win the swimsuit contest? Bristol Palin or Tom Brokaw?

Culture Warfare: Why are your supporters so racist? What's up with that! I'm Brian Fellows!

Bi-Partisanship: Senator McCain, if you had to be stranded on a desert island with Obama or Hillary Clinton, who would it be? And why.

Health Care: Senator Obama, how many packs a day?

International Relations
: Senator McCain, you and your supporters do realize that just because a person has a middle name that's the same as the last name of a cruel, evil dictator doesn't make that person cruel and evil?...Just checking.

--Andrea Chalupa and Ariston Anderson

Got any fantasy debate questions you're praying get asked (and actually answered!)? Let us know!

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