The Top 70 Most Social U.S. Federal Technology Pros On Twitter

The Top 70 Most Social U.S. Federal Technology Pros On Twitter
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Information flow and interactive communication with our elected and appointed representatives is vital for government to function. It's unfortunate that frenzies such as the roll out of can overshadow the positive changes and developments going on in this area. One especially positive development is that technology leaders in federal government are becoming active in social networking, driving an ever-improving customer experience for citizens. While the process of social business transformation is important to all industries, it has a critical role in government. According to the PEW Research Center, only 43% of Americans believe that our elected officials are "able to get things done." Better communication on the part of his team to his constituency can improve that standing.

Here's the list of the most socially innovative federal government technologists in the US. This list includes federal CIOs, CTOs and key IT staff members, as well as federal media and analysts who work closest with the US federal government. These individuals actively engage on social media. The ranking is based on several factors including the number of tweets, size of the network, number of lists, Klout and Kred scores, and regular thoughtful interactions and engagements. I invite you to join me in applauding the technologist on this list for their commitment to inform and better educate their networks.

I plan on researching and sharing a list of socially innovative technologists in state and local government, as well as global government social innovators shortly. As always, I welcome suggestions on other brilliant federal CIOs/CTOs/CDOs, analysts, editors and curators to include on the list.

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