Are Roman Times Returning? A Review of Cum & Glitter

There is a reason I live in the sexual bubble that is San Francisco. In San Francisco, free sexual expression runs rampant through our streets, with free thinkers like the folks at theater company Cum & Glitter.
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If you take a look back in history, the rules of sex didn't seem nearly as rigid as they are now. During Greek and Roman times, sexual experimentation and sex as entertainment did not seem to be as big a deal. Sexual identity and orientation were not nearly as defined as they are today. During Roman times, sex was seen and observed in everyday life. Sex being performed live was seen as art, not obscenity. Beyond the gladiator fights that were so popular during Roman times, live sex shows were an integral part of Roman Theater. Somewhere along the line, it seems that sexual repression and shame became more prevalent than sexual enlightenment.

Thankfully times are a-changing, and slowly but surely the worlds decadence is making a comeback. The free thinkers who are making a statement are a queer-based theater company called Cum & Glitter. There is a reason I live in the sexual bubble that is San Francisco. In San Francisco, free sexual expression runs rampant through our streets. The folks of Cum & Glitter came together to create something beautiful, lewd and artistic to bring the sexual sub-culture of San Francisco back to it's roots. It is an evening of queer politics, sexuality and theater.

The venue for this show is kept secret until you purchase your ticket. Upon arriving at the secret location, you were suddenly immersed in a new world. The venue they chose was sexy and smoky, and it had the feel of a speak easy because it was somewhat hidden. I took my seat and waited for the magic to begin. The emcee, Quin Cassidy, was sexy and witty, and informed us all of the beautiful perversion we were about to see. A cellist named the "unwoman" entertained us until the lights got low and the show began.

When the first performer of the night is named Vagina Jenkins, you know that you are in for an experience and not just a night out. It was as if Josephine Baker was reincarnated just for the night. Vagina Jenkins is entrancing, her dancing is precise and beautiful. You can tell this is an art form she has perfected over many years. Jenkins shimmied and shook her flawless skin to a packed house, and we were all mesmerized. I was left with a feeling of Paris when she stepped off the stage.


Next up was Maxine Holloway and Arabelle Raphael. These two ladies are both adult film stars. They are both striking in different ways, and they had a sexy tit-for-tat number that knocked our socks off. Who doesn't like watching two extremely hot women play fight, especially when a strap on comes out? I could not take my eyes off the rolling, hair pulling heat these two ladies put forward. Everyone in the audience was cheering and really turned on. There is something so incredibly erotic about watching live sex in any capacity, especially when you can see the fun that is occurring on stage. Live sex shows have a long and rich history, which Cum & Glitter is bringing back in a big way. They have combined sex, comedy and drama to a sold out audience each show.

Next up were Kitty Stryker and Poppy Cox, who did a very cute fairy tale gone awry. Kitty was a unicorn who had no horn on her head, but she had a very special horn between her legs. You can imagine where they went with this. Unfortunately for me, I missed the second half of the show, which included: Siouxsie Q in a mermaid outfit with her ukelaly. Dorian Faust who performed Burlesque. Cinnamon Maxxine, Ava Solanas, Ned Mayhem and Bianca Stone finished the crowd off so to speak.

Crash Pad Series, one of the sponsors for Cum & Glitter, gave everyone in the audience free porn subscriptions on this evening, talk about being generous. Make sure and get on the invite list for the next show, which will take place around the time of Folsom Street Leather Fair.

In the words of Quinn Cassidy our emcee for the night: "Events like Cum & Glitter provide us with much more than just an evening of erotic exhibition. They keep alive the spirit of public sex performance, the excitement of sexual experimentation, and the incentive to showcase our sex to the world! Whether that world is watching you on a stage, seeking you in a dark park at midnight, listening to you on the other side of a flimsy bathroom stall, or just may be peeping through your open bedroom window, or the world may find you, in the cyber world... feel encouraged to publicize your sex! Because it is not lewd, it is -- in fact, beautiful, human, dynamic and will make the world a better place."

At Cum & Glitter they are performing what they want, while having sex that is public and subversive. It is real, raunchy, raw and definitely a must see. This is also a great way to spend an evening as a couple, because you leave ready to try new things. This show gives me hope we are close to returning, to the free thinking days of sexuality past. Thank goodness for San Francisco and our penchant towards tasteful perversion. If you would like to know more about Cum & Glitter, click here.


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