The reasons why I left the U.S. have now been replaced with reasons why I want to be back there.I did not recognize my government for eight years. Now it begins to make sense again.
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My daughter is so excited that she is getting a new President for her birthday tomorrow! I am taking her out of school early here in Paris and we are gathering with friends from all over the world to watch the events. Today, my daughter and I are not only proud to be Americans, we are proud to represent abroad a country which is showing to the entire world what we are made of and are inspiring hope along the way!

My eyes fill with tears, I keep telling my co-workers, "Only two more days, only one more day!" The reasons why I left the U.S. have now been replaced with reasons why I want to be back there.

I did not recognize my government for eight years. Now it begins to make sense again.

The anger we all feel is like that of having been in a dysfunctional relationship we did not even choose. Obama reminds us of how things should always have been... which allows for the last remnants of anger at what we have been living, to come out.

I for one am blocking Bush Jr's email, am not returning his calls, and frankly, my friends are tired of hearing about him.

It's over George! Deal with it!

Oh, and by the way, you were never a Texan... you were born in New Haven. And this Texas native does not appreciate the bad name you have given to her state... so we're taking that back too!

Welcome to President Obama from Democrats Abroad Everywhere!!!! We will be toasting you with champagne and lovemaking tonight in Paris!

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