LGBT Rights

After the 2014 election we knew we would be losing ground for a couple of years. The crop of incoming conservatives featured many new, terrifyingly crazy anti-LGBT legislators.
After Dr. Ben Carson told CNN’s Chris Cuomo this morning that he believes being gay is a “choice” because people “go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay,” Don Lemon decided to ask his panel of guests if they could choose to change their sexual identity in the same way.
While I'm not saying every little boy should drop their race car in exchange for a princess; I long for the day when Cinderella can hop into a Hot Wheels and drive off into the sunset... and it will be no big deal.
Internationally celebrated author, poet and activist Dr. Maya Angelou has died at age 86.
It hardly seems to go well for stars when they criticize the gay community.