Mahershala Ali

"'Green Book' is a story about love, acceptance and overcoming barriers," said writer Nick Vallelonga, "and I will do better."
The Peter Farrelly-directed movie is what happens when filmmakers are preoccupied with a story's optics, not its details.
The actor, who got a Golden Globe nod for his performance, reached out to pianist Don Shirley's relatives after they called the movie “a symphony of lies.”
However well-meaning, the road trip movie starring Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen has less to say than it thinks.
"I have no right to even imagine the hurt that is caused by hearing that word in any context, especially from a white man," the actor said.
The teaser trailer of the HBO series shows Oscar winner Mahershala Ali's character at three different ages.
2017 hit some major diversity milestones in media, politics, and entertainment. Here are a few of the biggest moments.
If only Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson were cast as the bad guys...