30 Things I've Learned in My First 30 Years

I'm turning 30 on August 20, and in honor of this somewhat-momentous occasion, I thought it might be nice to share some of the things I've learned over the last three decades.
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I'm turning 30 on August 20, and in honor of this somewhat-momentous occasion, I thought it might be nice to share some of the things I've learned over the last three decades. Carry on if you're interested. (And I'd love for you to add something you've learned in the comments! Just be nice, please.)

1) I am valuable. I have intrinsic worth. And nothing can change that or take it away.

2) Lizzie McGuire is still the best Disney Channel show ever.

3) When my parents told me not to do something because I'd get hurt -- whether it was going outside without supervision when I was 7 or parking in that spot with my boyfriend at 15 - they were right.

4) Faith is important. No, not important. Absolutely vital.

5) So is grace. And coffee.

6) I am not a good hostess. But I am a good friend.

7) I will never have a powerful singing voice, but I can carry a tune. And that's enough.

8) My parents are human, too.

9) Age doesn't matter when it comes to having a healthy marriage. What matters is shared faith, communication, and trust. Humor is good, too.

10) Dairy is not my friend. Unfortunately.

11) Being a parent is incredible. But life can still be incredible without children. It's just a different kind of incredible.

12) Middle school will always be awkward. For everyone.

13) This too shall pass.

14) Stylish is different than trendy and classy is more important than popular.

15) Childbirth is really painful. But, then again, most miracles are.

16) What feels good is not always right and what is right is not always easy.

17) Education -- in a classroom setting or at home -- cannot be overestimated.

18) God is good. And He loves me.

19) Georgia Southern University is the real GSU.

20) Budgets are pretty darn useful.

21) Anyone who doesn't love books is, at best, questionable and, at worst, a sociopath.

22) The whole world does not look like mine.

23) Genealogy is fun.

24) My opinion is not always needed. Or wanted.

25) Food is meant to be enjoyed, but it's also meant to heal and restore. Labels matter.

26) Experiences are more important than things.

27) Baby carriers are God's gift to parents.

28) Friends are not always forever, but that doesn't mean they're bad. It just means that particular season of life -- be it high school, college, work, etc. -- is over.

29) Most people are just trying their best.

30) Love really does win.

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