Painfully Funny Politics

I'm not saying Hillary's adopting a paler make-up to deliberately emphasize her opponent's non-Caucasianness, but she is starting to look a bit Kabuki.
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Mike Huckabee says he doesn't believe in poll numbers, but he does believe in miracles. Apparently he expects God to smite John McCain dead.

The Republicans are left with a candidate who believes that dinosaurs lived at the same time as men, and another who can personally refute that since he was there. If I were a Democrat, I would be proud to enter the general election and lose with either of these two fine candidates.

Hillary Clinton said she plans to build a new energy industry in Texas AND in America. At least she recognizes the two have little to do with one another.

Hillary Clinton has replaced her campaign manager. In related news, the White Star Line is now selling Titanic deck chair replicas.

Congress signed off on a stimulus package which will give Americans $600 apiece. A rebate during an election year. They're trying to bribe us with our own money. Can they do that?

President Bush keeps saying "Freedom isn't free." Well, yeah, it is. That's the whole point. Otherwise, they would call it Costdom.

The last time California Democrats were this involved in picking their Party nominee was way back in 1972. When they chose George McGovern. Uh oh.

I'm not saying Hillary's adopting a paler make-up to deliberately emphasize her opponent's non-Caucasianness, but she is starting to look a bit Kabuki.

Inside Cable News reports that Karl Rove is joining Fox News. In an official capacity. As opposed to his unofficial status of the last seven years.

George Bush is going to go down as the Republican Monica Lewinsky. Because he sucks in the Oval Office.

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