Romney Has Alienated Too Many Voting Blocs To Win

Romney Has Alienated Too Many Voting Blocs To Win
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The alienation of important blocs of voters by the GOP, in general, and its presidential nominee Mitt Romney, in particular, is a self-inflicted wound that will hurt the Republican party long after this 2012 failed attempt to defeat incumbent President Barack Obama.

And a failed attempt it will surely be; for it is inconceivable that a presidential candidate, and a party platform, such as those put forth by the Republicans this year, could offend so many demographic groups and still win back the White House.

With less than two months to go before decision day November 6, there is not enough time to repair the damage done. That would be a difficult task under any circumstances, but following the lacklustre GOP convention, and the more exciting Democratic convention -- which has given President Obama a bounce in his approval rating -- Mitt Romney now finds himself trailing in the polls.

Moreover, his path to the 270 electoral college votes needed for victory is more difficult than that of President Obama. An example of that difficulty is Florida, which has by far the most electoral votes -- 29 -- of any of the battleground states.

Romney desperately needs to win Florida to have a realistic chance to win. President Obama does not have to win Florida to reach 270. Combinations of other swing states can take him over the top and give him four more years.

The voting blocs which are currently heavily pro Obama, and which Romney has virtually no chance of swaying his way, are African-Americans, who favor the President by an incredible 94 to 0 percent; and Hispanics, who go for Obama by some 30 points.

Romney will get very little of the gay vote or the union vote. In one way or another, Mitt Romney has worked against or spoken out against the best interests of all four demographic groups.

Mitt Romney's mocking of climate change concerns during his acceptance speech will cost him any chance of support from environmentalists. His failure in that address to salute our military, or even mention our troops in Afghanistan will cost him heavily with veterans and military families.

The Republican party platform will cost Romney with women voters -- and not just those who are pro-choice. The wording of the plank that prohibits abortions under any and all circumstances -- even in the case of rape or incest -- is offensive to countless women -- and men -- of all political persuasions.

The voting blocs listed here constitute a sizable portion of the American electorate, and their loss will be nigh unto impossible for Mitt Romney to overcome. The damage has been done -- and it will be long-lasting.

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