What the American Dream Means for Entrepreneurship

What the American Dream Means for Entrepreneurship
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By Engelo Rumora

Let's face it: life is challenging these days. In the past, you got a job, bought a house, made money and retired, with no issues down the line. But society's current model to success is outdated.

Success has never been this temporary: any smart entrepreneur knows this. There are more options than ever, and it's up to you to take advantage of them as much as you can. Below are a few things I have learned through business about making your dreams come true as an entrepreneur.

Simplify Your Life

Business life goes on 24/7 these days, so take it from me when I say complexity is your enemy. If you want to get things done, you're going to need focus, and that requires leading a simpler lifestyle.
  • Do only what you want to do. This used to be impossible, but with so many outsourcing services today, assistance is everywhere. Check out services like Upwork for help with the projects you don't have time for: They probably won't be able to do highly critical work like tax filings, but if you need someone to help with administration work or design for one of your documents, it's a great place to explore.
  • Get rid of distractions. To start, eliminate distractions like social media and instant messaging. Let someone else act as your filter and make sure you don't lose too much time managing them. Ask them to set aside things you might be interested in and tell them what to post; just don't do so yourself.

Chase a Different Dream

Many versions of the American dream itself are out of date, not just the path to achieving them. Buying a big house, owning an airplane, having the biggest paycheck -- this all sounds great at first, but none of these things will actually give you a better life.
  • Stop focusing on stuff. Instead of chasing stuff you could own, start focusing on the life you want to lead. Maybe an Armani suit has nothing to do with it. I never bought a big house for myself, for example. Instead, I bought a piece of an island in the Bahamas. It's something I can monetize but enjoy as well. It's all about the journey.
  • Find a passion. What you do for a living should feel like your hobby, not something you have to do to survive. As soon as you feel that you have to drag yourself around to keep going, something is wrong. I loved being a professional football player, but at the end of the day, it just wasn't right for me. I've been pursuing other passions ever since then. If something isn't a passion of mine, I usually don't even give it a second thought.

Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

There's nothing as hard to bear as the pressure from your social surroundings. Just go your own way and don't hesitate to ditch the people who are holding you back. You have a responsibility to yourself to make the most of what you can do.
  • Get a mentor. The most effective way to stop worrying about what others think? Getting advice someone who's reached the top to teach you the ropes. Start connecting with people at events and niche gatherings and scope out those who are where you want to be. Find out what they're up to, and what their vision is. If your visions align, they might be a good candidate for a mentor. All you have to do is ask.
  • Join clubs and organizations. Hang out with people like you: Find folks who have the same ambitions and drive. Go to entrepreneur gatherings and meetups. Actively work to expand your social horizon.
Nowadays, we are so worried about meeting other people's demands and expectations that we forget our own passions. And that's what's key to achieving the American dream.

If you do not want to buy a house and end up with a mortgage, then don't. You will find that many of your problems don't exist as soon as you start deciding your life for yourself. The American dream isn't dead, it's just a lot more personal than it used to be: All you have to do is make it come true (and work for it).

So, what do you think? Are you living the American dream? What does it mean to you?

Engelo Rumora, "The Real Estate Dingo," is a successful property investor, motivational speaker and serial entrepreneur.


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