Tomi Lahren, Before She Was Famous

Tomi Lahren, Before She Was Famous
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Tomi Lahren has made a name for herself as an outspoken far right political activist. Her views are often considered inflammatory and have even earned her the nickname “White Power Barbie.

When Tomi isn’t attacking people on social media, she used to spend her time hosting a show on The Blaze where she skewered politics from a “constitutional conservative” point of view. Tomi has said that her shows are not about presenting news neutrally, but about commentary and “making the news.” Essentially she’s a hypocritical white woman who uses her platform to pick apart minorities and Democrats. Running her mouth to create controversy is what Tomi does best.

Luckily for us, this past month Tomi was fired from her job at The Blaze for advocating in favor of abortion rights. Since her dismissal from Glenn Beck’s network, things have gotten messy.

But who was Tomi Lahren before she was famous? Well, Michael McCrudden has all the answers. Before her firebrand fast-talking personality came into the limelight Tomi studied broadcast journalism. She wrote for the Las Vegas review journal. After graduating, she got a job offer hosting a show on The Spot where her explosive views began gaining a lot of traction on social media. This attention has led to appearances on “The Daily Show” and “The View”.

But after a short career of provocative comments to create controversy, Tomi is now unemployed. We can all breathe a sigh of relief as her hateful politics will stay out of our social media feeds, at least for a few weeks.

Lorenzo Bevilaqua via Getty Images

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