Campaign Finance

The South Carolina Republican blames "shadowy" forces — not his waning popularity — for donations pouring into his Democratic opponent's Senate run.
As the 2020 presidential campaign winds down, Joe Biden is consistently outraising President Donald Trump, in part thanks to attorneys at Trump-tied law firms.
The president is asking for big donations after Joe Biden pulled in $280 million in small donations in the third quarter ― $64 million more than Trump.
"I’m incredibly humbled," the Democratic presidential nominee said.
Even as the firms of his current and former campaign managers took pay cuts, Trump funneled another $251,409 into his own cash registers last month.
DeJoy is alleged to have violated North Carolina and federal campaign finance laws.
“When we got our bonuses, let’s just say they were bigger, they exceeded expectations," a former employee told The Washington Post.
Some of the spending bankrolled his fight against a California law requiring him to release his tax returns before he could run again, according to The New York Times.
The storm’s forecasted track skirting South Florida forces the cancellation of Saturday’s fundraiser at the president's golf resort in Doral.
The 15 donors gave Trump and the GOP $1.4 million this spring, in a process that critics say lacked basic transparency.