National Emergency

On Monday, thousands plan to protest gun control measures in Virginia. Organizers of the deadly Charlottesville rally also plan to attend.
Mayor Luigi Brugnaro declared a state of emergency after the city was hit by its highest tide in 50 years.
They're siding with the president even though he's raiding money for military projects in their states to build his border wall.
The storm is expected to strengthen to a Category 4 this weekend.
The Pentagon listed projects across the nation and around the world that could be delayed or canceled so Trump can build the border wall he promised Mexico would pay for.
President Donald Trump vetoed the legislation Congress passed to block his national emergency declaration over border wall funding.
He promised hundreds of times that Mexico would pay for his pet project, but now Trump is raiding the Pentagon budget.
"If Trump told them to amend the Constitution and toss out the Bill of Rights, they’d likely do it."
A last-minute effort by Republicans to head off the vote of disapproval has fallen apart, setting up a likely presidential veto.
Republican senators are exploring ways to shore up support for the president and his wall declaration in order to avoid an embarrassing veto.