National Emergency

The House speaker warned the president's wall “is not the way that we relate to other countries, other people.”
At least four Senate Republicans agreed to vote against his national emergency over wall funds.
At least four Republican senators, including Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, say they'll vote to block the declaration.
Trump's widely expected veto would force congressional Republicans to choose between supporting him and defending their own constitutional powers.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) urged the administration not to proceed with what he called the "unnecessary and unwise" move to bypass Congress.
Republicans spent years screaming about executive overreach. Only 13 voted against Trump's national emergency declaration.
But it's not clear if Republicans would be willing to override a presidential veto.
President Donald Trump declared a national emergency earlier this month in order to bypass Congress and build his wall.
“I hate it when people turn my own words against me," Chris Wallace told Tom Perez.
A majority of Americans disagree with the president that there is an urgent need to build a wall along the southern border. These are some issues they think are more pressing.