National Emergency

Half of the public say the president's emergency move, which he made to fund a border wall, is unprecedented.
Demonstrators marched against what they called the #FakeTrumpEmergency from D.C. to Ohio to Texas.
The former Ohio governor lambasted Trump's move as a political power play.
Trump adviser Stephen Miller struggled to back up his justification for a national emergency on the southern border.
The Fox News Sunday host asked the White House senior policy adviser: "How is this a national emergency?"
"Right now we've got a national emergency," the South Carolina "Trumpsplainer" insisted.
The "Kidding" star examines the "Epic National Emergency at our border."
“We’re almost in uncharted territory," Rep. Will Hurd said.
The current White House occupant is evading the "emperor" label Republicans gave to his predecessor.
Had he known how hard the job was going to be, the actor's Trump would have "told Putin to just give the job to Hillary."