House Democrats

Though House Republicans have argued over the speaker and lost usually winnable votes on the floor, Democrats say it’s no laughing matter.
More than 30 Democrats have yet to sign a discharge petition to get the bill on the floor. Many of those are progressives upset at the Israel aid portion.
Top Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee sent a letter urging the International Code Council to rebuff pressure from the gas industry.
While a discharge petition is unlikely to succeed and is a lengthy process, it would up the political pressure on Republicans.
While the GOP struggles to control the House floor, Democrats can almost taste a new majority.
Several House incumbents want leadership to do more to keep AIPAC — and its Republican cash — out of party primaries.
House Democrats provided most of the support for Johnson’s stopgap funding bill, which GOP spending foes said didn't do anything to cut spending.
Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.
Amo, a Democrat and the son of West African immigrants, is poised to become the first Black person ever to represent Rhode Island in Congress.
Jeffries, a staunch AIPAC ally, is not on board with the pro-Israel group’s efforts to oust two Democratic members of the House.