Ammon Bundy

Federal employees should "remain vigilant," the interior secretary says.
Prosecutors were planning their next attempt to try those who took over the federal site in Oregon.
A scuffle broke out in court after the defendants were acquitted for the armed takeover of a U.S. wildlife refuge.
Seven people face conspiracy charges after they seized a wildlife refuge in Oregon, claiming it as a protest over federal overreach.
Guns brought by followers helped spread the anti-government message, he testified.
The occupation's accused ringleader wept as he recounted what he said was government mistreatment of his family.
“I have no choice to get the truth to the jury but to get on the stand," Bundy said.
Prosecutors allege that the men's intentions were not peaceful protest, but rather to confront the government over land.
"If they are going to detain us as innocent men, then they are obligated to afford us the rights to defend ourselves and emotionally connect to our families."
Prosecutors are blurring the line between supporters and leaders of the Oregon occupation.